
always drinking coffee | forever dreaming about tattoos

3-Day Quote Challenge, Day 2

I was challenged by my wonderful friend, Courtney, to do a 3-day quote challenge.

The Rules:

  1. Post three consecutive days.
  2. You can pick one or three quotes per day.
  3. Challenge three different bloggers per day.


Yesterday I had three quotes, but today I’m only choosing to use two, one from Marilyn Monroe, and one from Whitney Thore (of TLC’s My Big Fat Fabulous Life).
marilyn monroe body positivity

whitney way thore body positivity

Back when Marilyn Monroe was alive, the idea of beauty was so different than it is today. She was a size 12 I believe, and that was thought of as the ideal body size. Somehow, over time, the ideal size became something small and almost unattainable for so many of us – basically the Victoria’s Secret Angels. It makes me so frustrated.

But now, we have people like Whitney Thore speaking up about body positivity – even though she isn’t what the majority of society is thought of as beautiful. Who cares what society says? If you love your body, then flaunt it, be proud of it, talk about it, take pictures.
Another thing Whitney has done, is come up with a body positivity campaign called No Body Shame (#NOBS).

Today I challenge:

  1. Allie
  2. Sarah
  3. Bipolar Fabulous

Just as a disclaimer:
Absolutely nothing is meant by who I’m nominating on each day.


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About Me

Hello! Welcome! My name is Katy!
You can find me drinking coffee until it’s time for wine. Currently have 5 tattoos, but plans for more are in the works.
I’m a birthmom over 8 years post placement. I’ve been in a birthmom support group since November 2018, and will be leading my own come May 2023.
On Sunday mornings you can usually find me in the nursery or on the production team at church.
Various times throughout the year, you can find me staying with someone’s dog(s) while they’re away on a trip – so don’t be surprised if there are stories or pictures every so often.